What is a normal bowel movement?

What is a normal bowel movement?

These days our modern diet and lifestyle habits are so far removed from what was normal 100 or more years ago that many people no longer know what good health feels like. And most people definitely do not know what normal bowel movements should be like. Read more

Beat constipation: Chew your food properly

Beat constipation: Chew your food properly

Chewing is a vital, underestimated, starting block to your digestion. There have been cases of people healing themselves from their digestive conditions by using this one simple principle. Read more

Beat constipation: Increase the proportion of raw foods in your diet

Beat constipation: Increase the proportion of raw foods in your diet

All nutritionists agree on the benefits of eating raw foods. We recommend you get some raw food into your daily diet. Eating raw food ensures that you get the full nutritional benefit of your food. Cooking can destroy up to 80% of food’s nutritional value. Heat sensitive nutrients like vitamin C, the B vitamins and most anti-oxidants are lost. Good, healthy fats are converted into bad fats and Trans-fats. Proteins coagulate and the bioavailability of protein foods are diminished. Read more

Beat constipation: Control Stress and Negative Emotions

Beat constipation: Control Stress and Negative Emotions

Have you ever gone through a particularly stressful or emotional time and noticed a discomfort in your gut? Well, read on and you will find out why.

Your body is an amazing creation and scientists are daily discovering more and more about how complex and how connected your body is. A recent discovery in the field of digestion is what scientists call the ‘mind-gut connection’. Your brain is made up of brain cells called neurons. Read more

Beat constipation: Release bowel movements as soon as you feel the need

Beat constipation: Release bowel movements as soon as you feel the need

For the purpose of clarity in this email we will refer to the inner urge to release a bowel movement as ‘the call of nature’ or simply a call. In today’s highly rushed and highly sophisticated society the call of nature is often viewed as an inconvenience to be ignored until the time is appropriate. We are going to take a short look at why this is not a good idea. Read more

Beat constipation: Treat spastic bowel conditions

Beat constipation: Treat spastic bowel conditions

Imagine for a moment water flowing through your garden hose pipe. Can you recall what happens when you bend the pipe in half or squeeze it tightly? That’s right, the water either stops flowing or flows through slower depending on how tightly you squeeze the pipe. As you have probably guessed by now, your colon works the same way. Read more

Beat constipation: Fast Occasionally

Beat constipation: Fast Occasionally

Let us review all the body processes that need to occur every time you eat food. From the time you start thinking of eating food your body starts the process or enzymes production to help you digest the food. After you swallow your body had to digest, convert and push volumes of food material through a 9-10 meters of tubing whilst absorbing the nutrients and expelling any toxins generated. This takes a lot of energy! During a short fast this energy is channelled to cleansing and healing the body. Read more

Beat constipation: Don't make a habit of using laxatives

Beat constipation: Don’t make a habit of using laxatives

One of the best pieces of evidence for the widespread prevalence of constipation is the fact that laxatives are one of the bestselling over-the-counter medicines in pharmacies today. Most households have a laxative in their medicine cabinet. Read more

Beat constipation by: Taking probiotics.

Beat constipation by: Taking probiotics.

Probiotics have received a lot of good press of late, and for a good reason! If you want to know what all the fuss is about, read on!

For those of you who are not sure exactly what probiotics are, it is the name given to the approximately 2kg of good bacteria that lives in your digestive tract. There are more bacteria living in your gut than there are cells in your body! The majority of these bacteria live in your colon or large intestine. Read more

Beat constipation by: Removing old wastes that may be blocking movement by doing a colon cleanse.

Beat constipation by: Removing old wastes that may be blocking movement by doing a colon cleanse.

The old saying goes “we are what we eat”; the truth is we are also what we do not eliminate! Did you take a moment to think about that? Over years, due to our modern refined diet, old food material may start to accumulate in the gut. It has been documented that the average rural person on a natural high fibre diet holds 3 meals in his digestive tract whilst the average person on a refined Western diet holds 8 meals! Read more