Beat constipation by: Eating bowel promoting foods such as greens, beetroot, brown rice and magnesium.
When it comes to green leafy foods, the darker the better! Green leaves are rich in fibre, high in minerals, high in chlorophyll and very alkalizing. Chlorophyll helps detoxify the colon and helps fight against yeasts such as Candida. The high alkalinity helps your body maintain proper pH balance wherein it can function optimally. It also makes it easier for your body to get rid of acid wastes. Varieties of tasty green leaves to choose from include baby spinach, spinach, swiss chard, watercress, rocket, kale, celery leaves, beetroot leaves, mint, nettle, coriander, basil etc. Eat them in salads, juice them or add them to your cooking.
Beetroot is a great source of soluble fibre that encourages peristalsis and softens the stool, making it easier to pass. It is well known to assist people struggling with a sluggish bowel. It is also valuable for cleansing the liver and stimulating liver function. You can grate beetroot over your salad, add it to your vegetable dish or make vegetable juice from it.
One of the easiest substitutes that will greatly please your gut is swopping your white rice for brown or unrefined rice. Brown rice is high in fibre, white rice has very little fibre. Brown rice is higher in B vitamins, Vitamin A, iron, magnesium, selenium, minerals and protein than white rice. Brown rice has more flavour than white rice. Why eat white rice at all? Brown rice can help people suffering from both constipation and diarrhoea. It also beneficial for people with stomach or intestinal ulcers. The type of fibre in brown rice is excellent for collecting and carrying old food wastes out of your gut. Brown rice is also one of the most easily digested starches and therefore recommended for people with wheat or gluten intolerance. Look out for a GMO free source.
Magnesium is a very important mineral for maintaining muscle, nerve and bowel function. Magnesium helps by relaxing or normalizing the tension in the colon wall thereby easing peristalsis. Magnesium also helps draw water into the colon, keeping the stool moist. Signs of magnesium deficiency include constipation, muscle cramps or spasms and irritability. Magnesium overdose is rare and therefore magnesium can safely be supplemented to encourage bowel movement. Good supplemental forms of magnesium include magnesium glycinate, amino acid chelate or citrate as they are more easily absorbed by your body. Take magnesium at bedtime or when you wake up in the morning. Foods high in magnesium include raw chocolate, nuts, green leaves, berries, whole grains, brewer’s yeast and green peas. Calcium can be supplemented together with magnesium if needed to further aid muscle contraction and tone. Be carefull not to go over the recommended daily dose on your calcium supplement as you can over supplement calcium. The best calcium to take is calcium gluconate, orotate, aspartate or citrate. Foods high in calcium include almonds, green leaves, globe artichokes, prunes, sesame seeds, unpasteurised dairy and pumpkin seeds.