Superfood Breakfast Bowel
Here is a easy morning breakfast option that will give you the early morning boost you need. There are enough variations so that you never need to get bored.
- 1/2C chopped fruit of your choice (options: berries, kiwi, apple etc.)
- 1/4C shredded organic coconut
- 1/3C chia seed or ground flax seed (grind the flax seed in a coffee grinder, seed grinder or blender).
- 1/3 – 1/2C C sprouted buckwheat (alternatives: organic rolled oats or other grain of choice. Freshly rolled is better, you can soak the rolled grains a while to soften them.)
- 1/3C coconut milk (alternatives: nut/seed milk, organic raw cow or goat’s milk, raw organic unsweetened joghurt )
- 1/4C water (vary quantity of water until you get your desired consistency)
- 1 heaped Tbs hemp protein powder
- 1/2tsp cinnamon
- Optional sweeteners: Mestique, Lucuma (available from superfoods), date jam, raw honey, xylitol
Optional variations:
Varying the type of fruit used varies the flavour.
Added toppings: cocoa nibs, goji berries, chopped nuts, ground seeds
Add in superfoods: raw coacoa, maca, baobab or whatever you desire.
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