Kefir – How to Make Milk Kefir
You probably already know probiotics are good for your health. Kefir is a great source of nutrition, vitamins, and minerals, and of course a whole arsenal of friendly beneficial bacteria. There are a lot of different kinds of probiotic foods, but none are clearly as beneficial as kefir. If this is your first time making kefir and you think it’s really complicated, don’t worry, you will soon see it’s easier than you thought.
What you’ll need:
- 1-2 Tbsp kefir grains
- 3 cups of whole cow or goat milk (preferably raw milk and organic; you can also use coconut milk)
- 1 liter glass jar
- lid for jar
- plastic strainer
- plastic spoon
- cup
- Pour the fresh milk into the clean jar. There is no need to boil or do anything with the milk. And although any type of milk will do, we’ve found it best to use raw, full cream and unpasteurised milk. Other suitable milks are pasteurised whole milk. You can also use milk from a wide range of animals, like cows, goats and sheep. All animals must preferably be pasture fed.
- Cover the jar and close the lid tightly.
- Gently swirl the jar for approx. 30 seconds at least twice daily.
- Unlock the lid and ensure it is not air-tight. Leave some space (breathing room). The living organisms in kefir need oxygen to do their job.
- Place jar in a room temperature of 18 degC – 25 degC, away from direct sunlight. Scientific researchers have found at least 30 different bacteria and 25 different yeast organisms in kefir cultures, this is found to be the best temperature range for kefir fermentation.
- Leave for 1-3 days. Normally if the milk starts to thicken (solidify) it is a signal that the Kefir is ready. Depending on your preferences you could have a mild tasting milk kefir after 12 hours, a tart flavor after 24 hours and a milk kefir with a zesty taste to it after 48 hours.
- Separate the kefir from the kefir grains. Using a plastic strainer, pour out the mixture into the cup. The remaining solids caught by the strainer can and should be used for your next batch of kefir making.
- Drink your milk kefir. The liquid you strained into the cup is now your kefir. You can drink this right away, refrigerate it for later or use it for some other kefir recipes.
- What to do with the left over kefir grains? Place them in a jar with some milk and refrigerate, or repeat the kefir recipe process for another batch.
Note: What’s amazing about kefir? You only need one batch of kefir grains… for LIFE. The grains reproduce and grow continuously. The more milk you feed them, the faster they grow. When the grains become too big, we prune them and break the big (almost golf-ball size) kefir grain into +- 5 x 1 cm diameter kefir pieces.
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About the authors:
Johan and Alicia Jacobs are the founders of Go Natural, suppliers of organic grains and products to make the healthy lifestyle easier. Johan was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at the age of 30 and has since embraced a healthy lifestyle that resulted in his own healing and the inspiration of many others. Johan can be contacted for consultations and health equipment.